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Configure IEx for Better Struct Visualization in Elixir

2025-02-01 3 min Elixir

Want to make your Elixir structs more readable in IEx? Here’s how

  inspect: [
    pretty: true,
    limit: :infinity,
    structs: false,
    width: 80,
    printable_limit: 50


  bio: "Passionate Elixir developer with 3+ years of experience... (500+ characters)",
  email: "[email protected]",
  id: 12345,
  last_login: ~U[2024-05-25 14:22:18Z],
  metadata: %{last_active_project: "iex-config-toolkit", project_count: 27},
  preferences: %Preferences{...},
  registration_date: ~U[2024-01-15 08:30:00Z],
  roles: [:admin, :moderator, ...],


  __struct__: User,
  bio: "Passionate Elixir developer with 3+ years of exper" <> ...,
  email: "[email protected]",
  id: 12345,
  last_login: %{
    __struct__: DateTime,
    calendar: Calendar.ISO,
    day: 25,
    hour: 14,
    microsecond: {0, 0},
    minute: 22,
    month: 5,
    second: 18,
    std_offset: 0,
    time_zone: "Etc/UTC",
    utc_offset: 0,
    year: 2024,
    zone_abbr: "UTC"
  metadata: %{last_active_project: "iex-config-toolkit", project_count: 27},
  preferences: %{
    __struct__: Preferences,
    language: "es",
    notifications: %{email: true, push: false},
    theme: "dark"
  registration_date: %{
    __struct__: DateTime,
    calendar: Calendar.ISO,
    day: 15,
    hour: 8,
    microsecond: {0, 0},
    minute: 30,
    month: 1,
    second: 0,
    std_offset: 0,
    time_zone: "Etc/UTC",
    utc_offset: 0,
    year: 2024,
    zone_abbr: "UTC"
  roles: [:admin, :moderator, :contributor],
  settings: %{__struct__: Settings, privacy_level: :high, two_factor_auth: true},
  username: "johndoe_dev"

Key Features

  • pretty: true → Multi-line indentation
  • limit: :infinity → No element truncation in lists/maps
  • width: 80 → Formatting control

Pro Tips

  • Save to .iex.exs → Makes configuration persistent
  • structs: false → Reveals nested structs as maps

Advanced Options

  • printable_limit: 50 → Truncates long strings/binaries at 50 chars
  • charlists: :as_lists → Displays charlists as code points [102, 111, 111]

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